The Arabs include a nation that embraces many religions, among them is the religion of Paganism which is the worship of idols or statues. This religion has the most followers in the Arabian peninsula. Another religion that is embraced is monotheism, which is the hanif religion brought by Prophet Ibrahim. There are not many followers of this religion, not even the third.

Islam came under Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon them, not immediately faith in Allah swt. There are also residents of the Arab peninsula who embraced the Shabiah religion, namely a religion that worships an animal they think has power. But there are also those who embrace the Christian religion, the Magi religion, the Christian religion brought by the Persians. From the aspect of civilization, the Arabs are divided into civilizations spiritual and material. Spiritual civilization is contained in many literary works and jahili poetry are so dominant. This too can see the progress of their life. While civilization material poured from works of sculpture, buildings and others. But if classified, advanced Arabs are Arabs who live in one certain areas, not the nomadic (nomadic) Arabs live on the coast of the Arabian peninsula. Until now, the civilization of the Arabs has also influenced a lot world, especially Muslim nations, starting from literary works, arts and culture as well as buildings and architects that were affected by it Arab civilization. Therefore it is not wrong if someone says Nation Arab is a special people in this world.