A. Basic Concepts of the Caliphate

The meaning of the word Caliphate is "Niyabah 'an al-gairi" meaning substitute. ArRaghib al-Asfahani interprets the caliphate as a substitute for others

because of the gaIbnya of the replaced person. 9

 Abu Bakr al-Afdawi

the word Khilafa is Khulafa, or "Khilaf" according to Abu Bakr.

Ja'far Muhas. The first opinion is based on QS Al-A'raf verse 69.

The second opinion is based on QS al-Anam 165. 19Reviews , 10Followers

Firhat asserted that jama' Khulafa means "to replace the

the believers after their term is over." Khalaif means

"he who replaces the people who are destroyed by God.10

Based on the above opinions, the author can put forward,

that the word Caliphate applies to all the ummah of good men who believe

and the unbelievers. Thus the concept is still common. To

clarity of the meaning of the caliphate in the state conference is necessary

more specific meanings and concepts. These include:

o First, based on QS al-Baqarah verse 30, states that

indeed, the caliphate is a positive task that is

Adam and his posterity on earth.

Similarly, the Caliphate contains the meaning of the appointment of the caliph from

God for man on this earth as a tribute to him. 

Related to this explanation Muhammad Bakir Al-Sadr

suggest there are four interconnected elements in the

error is:

A. Man, who in this case was named caliph

B. The universe is Ardh

C. Human relationship with nature, man and all its contents

D. The subject that permeates is God.

o According to Abul A'la Al Maududi, the caliphate is a form of government

the right man. Within the government there is a recognition of

the leadership and power of God and His Apostles in the field of

legislation, giving up all legislative powers and

legal sovereignty to both.11 So must the government

believe that his caliph represents the real judge

God is all-knowing and all-wise. Ameer Ali confirmed that the understanding

same as the understanding of the Sunnis.12

o The fact that the caliphate means that man is not the ruler of the

or owner himself but he is only the caliph or representative of the owner

the truth. Allah SWT is the real owner of nature

This. Therefore man as caliph of Fil Ardh must always submit

and obey him. Rules in social, economic, political,

culture, education, or statehood based on its will